Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thoughts after the trip to Juarez

I've been back from the mission trip to Juarez for about a week and a half or so now. I still don't think I've fully readjusted to being home again, even though the trip was only a few days long. People ask about the trip, and i get excited, because it was a very different experience for me, and I want to talk about it. So, I start. And I just get more and more excited, and I can tell that they kind of get that glazed-over, "I'm gonna keep listening to you because I did ask about this, but I've really really lost interest" look. I've learned how to pick up on that, and realize that there is no way I can get them as excited about it as I am....

I had lunch with Johnny today. If I recall correctly, it was the first time we'd spoken since the trip. He asked how I was doing. I told him that home doesn't feel like "home" anymore, and I can't figure out why.. Juarez had something to do with it, I'm sure, but I'm also fairly certain that there's more to it than I'm seeing. A lot of things don't feel like "home" anymore. I keep kind of meandering through everything, hoping that something is gonna click, and make sense all of a sudden, but so far, no such luck. If all goes according to plan, by this time next year, I will have my degree in General Business. Please don't ask what that means, because I have no idea where that is gonna put me.

Jp told me that during the trip I seemed preoccupied. He had a notion as to what was causing it, and to a degree he was right. That is a matter not to be discussed here, but it is present, and if you've been around lately, you probably know about it.. Just trust me.. lol I was preoccupied. I've been preoccupied for a while, but I didn't realize it. My main problem is that I am very easily distracted.. And I don't mean simply "Ooooh look, something shiny..." I mean that my lack of interest in most things has made me gravitate towards those "distractions" that are fun for a moment or two. This means that my energies have been more devoted to short-term happiness instead of long-term happiness and fulfillment. This is definitely a problem that I need to take care of...

How do I do that, though?

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