I miss you
I love you
I care about where you're going
I'm afraid of you leaving me behind,
but terrified you'll invite me along.
Right now, you're hurting me by ignoring me.
I hope its doing good for you, because it's killing me.
I want you to answer me...
I want you to tell me what I did wrong
I keep asking because I keep caring...
But, when I do finally stop asking, it means we've begun to die
And I'm going to warn you, I don't handle death well
And as death looms, I'll turn away, immersing myself in other things
Things to distract...
Then, I'll find a darkened closet in which to hide
Safe from the uncertainty and uncomfortable silences
until "we" disintegrate and dissolve
Emerging from that solitude, I'll recover quickly,
Life moves on and grief can only be allowed for so long
when there are unsleeping obligations.
I'll put our past life in a shoebox on the shelf
It's a box that will catch my gaze on occasion, but will never quite work it's way back down into my everyday life
Because I've already used up all the tears alloted for you.